Reduced Fee Application

JusticeNet does not guarantee the performance of any of the legal professionals on our roster. Client is advised to do a background check of any lawyers and paralegals with the Law Society of Ontario before retaining their services. This Reduced Fee Application is valid only when selected Professional has agreed to be retained by Client, a contract has been established, and this Reduced Fee Application has been fully completed and signed by both parties. Signing Professional also agrees to JusticeNet’s “Professionals Terms of Participation” as set forth at

Application Creation Date: Thursday, January 1, 1970
Professional’s Information

Professional’s name: ,



Description of fees:

Client Information



Client Net Family Income: - , Client Family Size:

Description of legal problem:

Reduced Fee Application

Hourly reduced fee:

Client’s Name
Client’s Signature
Professional’s Name
Professional’s Signature
Application signing date: